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Honors Program Implements ScholarWorks

The Honors Program recently launched a new platform for students to digitally publish their scholarly work. This platform for research based and creative writing is known as ScholarWorks. While it’s new to the community, some students have already taken advantage of the opportunity. “I have been able to publish my Honors Senior Capstone here,” noted Shareef Kotb, senior chemistry tutor. “Students in the Honors Program can place their work [on ScholarWorks] and receive credit for disseminating their work, passing the final stage of their Capstone.”

The Honors Program proudly provides its students with new and innovative ways to succeed. Lisa Cavallaro, Honors Program Manager, explained how ScholarWorks is another example, saying, “ScholarWorks is a research repository for our entire Institution. Students, faculty and staff that do research can upload their work to this site. The Program is using it as part of the 4 pillars of an honors education.” Not only can this service help individuals grow as students, it can also prepare them for their future.

Uploading to ScholarWorks provides personal exposure and subsequently creates a permanent record of your work. Each work uploaded to Merrimack ScholarWorks is given an individual and permanent link that can be used for grad school applications or a resume addition. For students worried about their works getting stolen, Merrimack College protects the contributors. In an online interview conducted with the librarian for Scholarly Communications, Michaela Keating, clarified that “If you have concerns about copyright, adding your work to ScholarWorks does not change your copyright ownership- you maintain all rights to your project.” It is highly encouraged that all Honors use this newly implemented system, especially in regards to the Capstone Project.


Megan Carignan


Assistant Editor:

Brian Mills


Online Editor:

Alison Tobin


Honors Program Director:

Kerry Johnson


Honors Program Manager:

Lisa Cavallaro



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